

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
November (3rd Monday)

Fiscal Year Begins
July 1

Governor Signs Budget 

Budget Links

FY2025-2026 (enacted)
FY2025-2026 (proposed)
FY2023-2024 supplemental (enacted)
FY2023-2024 (enacted)

FY2021-2022 supplemental (enacted)
FY2021-2022 (enacted)
FY2019-2020 supplemental
FY2019-2020 (enacted)

Enacted Budget – Fiscal Years 2025- 2026

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed the state’s budget bill for fiscal 2025-2026 on March 22, with several line-item vetoes. The biennial budget provides for total fund spending of $10.9 billion, including $3.4 billion in general fund spending and $2.7 billion in School Foundation Program Account spending, over two years. The budget was based on the state’s January consensus revenue forecast, which projects total general fund revenues of $3.8 billion for the 2025-2026 biennium, compared to $3.6 billion for the fiscal 2023-2024 biennium. The forecast projects a balance of $152.5 million in the Budget Reserve Account and $1.6 billion in the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account.

The budget prioritizes improving government services for citizens, promoting economic growth, bettering the quality of life for families who live and work in the state, as well as investing and saving for the future. The budget includes $300 million for the construction of K-12 schools and $20 million for property tax relief for Wyoming homeowners. Other highlights of the enacted budget include funding the 988 suicide prevention hotline and expanding capacity; investing in workforce development and economic growth; extending energy matching funds; adding resources to protect critical infrastructure; supporting mental health; and ensuring safe drinking water and guarding against water pollution. 

Proposed Budget - Fiscal Years 2025-2026

On November 17, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon submitted a biennial budget for fiscal 2025 and fiscal 2026. The budget calls for $9.9 billion in spending from all funds over the next biennium; this includes $2.89 billion from the general fund (GF)/budget reserve account (BRA), $2.06 billion from federal funds, and $5.0 billion from other funds. The spending plan is based on ongoing general fund revenues estimated at $3.1 billion and ongoing BRA revenues estimated at $773 million. Total GF/BRA resources are estimated at $4.0 billion when combined with the BRA carryover and prior-year surplus, reversions and other one-time funds. The budget holds a $153 million Statutory Reserve (5 percent of general fund revenue) in the BRA and transfers the remaining GF/BRA ending balance of $49 million to the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account (LSRA), the state’s rainy day fund, which has a projected balance of $1.6 billion at the end of the next biennium after the transfer. The budget calls for $2.6 billion in spending from the School Foundation Program, leaving an ending balance of $601 million. Additionally, the budget proposes spending $459 million from the Strategic Investment and Projects Account (SIPA). The aforementioned recommends $530 million to permanent savings.  

Proposed Budget Highlights 

The governor’s budget proposal focuses on making investments in strategic savings, replacing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) revenue funds with general funds, addressing inflation, protecting state interests, supporting the energy industry, and addressing other urgent matters the state is facing. Key budget highlights include:

Strategic Savings

  • Adds $265 million to the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund.
  • Increases the rainy day fund to $1.6 billion.
  • Directs $265 million to the Common School Permanent Land Fund.
  • Leaves more than $48.9 million available for legislators to consider for savings and investments.

ARPA Revenue Replacement

  • Utilizes $324 million of general funds to replace ARPA federal funds that were used as revenue replacement last biennium. 


  • Directs $20 million to the Department of Revenue to expand the property tax refund program to provide additional targeted relief to Wyoming homeowners.

Protecting State Interests

  • Allocates $3.4 million to the Department of Environmental Quality to:
    • Support industries navigating new rules. 
    • Support the agency’s efforts to write and implement changes to regulations that best reflect the state’s position and circumstances.
  • Directs $695,000 to the Office of Consumer Advocate to represent citizens in cases before the Public Service Commission. 
  • Proposes $4.6 million for the maintenance of critical infrastructure in agency budgets. Excluding State Capital Construction and School Capital Construction.

Energy and Water

  • Proposes extending the Governor’s Energy Matching fund program.
    Proposes $25 million in matching funds for the State Revolving fund for clean and drinking water projects.

Economic and Workforce Development

  • Allocates funds for workforce development including:
    • $8.2 million to the Workforce Development Training Fund to provide on-site training for Wyoming’s workers and businesses.
    • $5.3 million to continue to support tuition payments, training costs, and support services to maintain a high employment rate. 
    • $5.1 million to support vocational rehabilitation training for citizens with disabilities.
  • Directs $30 million into the Wyoming Innovation Partnership to facilitate operations and meet organizational goals. 
  • Invests $38 million in the Business Ready Communities grant to respond to lack of housing. 

Natural Resource Protection

  • Requests $20 million in general funds to support treatment of invasive annual grasses on private and state land. 
  • Reallocates approximately $15.7 million in funding for the Engineer’s Board of Control toward general funding to restore Water Development Account I dollars over the next ten years. 

Mental Health

  • Maintains funding for community mental health centers.
  • Supports the increase of funding to youth providers. 
  • Supports efforts to expand the 988 suicide prevention hotline capacities to add text and chat services.