NASBO advances state budget practices through research, policy analysis, education, and knowledge sharing among its members. For 80 years, the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) has been the professional membership organization for budget and finance officers. As the chief financial advisors to our nation’s governors, NASBO members are influential decision makers in state government. They guide their states in analysis of budget options and formation of sound public policy.

NASBO Mission

  • Improve the quality and availability of information to state budget offices
  • Provide opportunities to share practices across states
  • Provide training and research information through publications and seminars
  • Work with and assist state groups, such as the National Governors Association, in the development and implementation of policy positions on state fiscal issues 

    How We Are Structured

    NASBO is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit research and educational organization located in Washington, D.C. For many years, all 50 states and territories have paid dues to support an effective membership and governance structure. All state budget office employees are members of NASBO. 

    Regular Members

    Each state or territory may designate three members from the budget office. Members are often the directors of state finance departments, the states’ chief budget officers, and their deputies.


    Associate Members

    All staff members in NASBO-member budget offices are Associate members. We design our meetings specifically to benefit associate members, as well as involve them in projects and surveys.



    NASBO’s Executive Committee is our policy-making body. The Executive Committee consists of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President-Elect, eight Regional Directors, two Members-at-Large, and up to two Special Committee Chairs.

    Friends of NASBO

    While there is no formal membership for individuals working outside of an Executive branch state budget office, we encourage you to participate as:

    • Alumni - Former members of NASBO who are not currently employed in the private sector. NASBO also awards life memberships.
    • Private Sector - Private sector employees; many are also NASBO meeting sponsors.
    • Government - Employees in other state agencies, as well as employees working in localities or the federal government.
    • Associations, Educational Institutions, and Non-Profits - Friends of NASBO who represent institutions of higher learning, associations non-profits.
    • Media - Members of the press interested in state finance issues.

    NASBO encourages anyone interested in state budget issues to sign up to receive our weekly e-publications, utilize our data and publications and attend our meetings to network and gain valuable information on state finances.


    What We Do

    NASBO exists to support its members in their critical job functions by providing information and training on critical state fiscal issues and budget processes, responding to member research inquiries on topics impacting states and their budgets and organizing national meetings where members can discuss critical issues and share best practices.

    Research and Publications

    NASBO provides state fiscal data, analysis, and up-to-date policy news through a variety of print and electronic publications.

    Membership Meetings

    With three major national meetings each year, we provide opportunities for members to focus on policy issues, intergovernmental issues, and economic trends; meet colleagues from other states; and exchange ideas and promising practices.

    Education and Training

    NASBO provides professional development seminars for new and experienced state budget analysts. Training is provided at national conferences and through webinars and online self-guided training modules.

    Research Inquiries

    We promote the exchange of ideas between states by providing information to members when they need it. We can answer questions about practices in other states, policy analysis, and federal actions that impact state finance. 

    Policy Analysis

    NASBO monitors and communicates federal policy and its implications on state budgeting; provides information and training on state budgeting issues; and provides analysis of state fiscal and economic conditions. NASBO works with and assists other state associations and groups on important policy issues related to state finances.

    Awards for Excellent Service

    NASBO recognizes exceptional contributions and performance of both state budget office executives and Associate members with annual awards and also bestows life and honorary memberships to former state budget staff members.