

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
December 20

Fiscal Year Begins
July 1
Governor Signs Budget 
20 days after legislative passage

Enacted Supplemental Budget – Fiscal Year 2025

In 2023, Washington enacted a biennial budget for fiscal 2024-2025. Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed the state’s supplemental budget, with partial vetoes, on March 29, 2024. The enacted supplemental operating budget provides for two-year total fund spending of $140.9 billion, and general fund spending (subject to outlook) of $71.9 billion. This includes supplemental changes of $7.3 billion in additional total budgeted funds and $2.1 billion in additional near-general funds. The supplemental budget is based on a February 2024 baseline revenue forecast for the biennium of $67.0 billion, including general fund-state, Education Legacy Trust Account, Washington Opportunity Pathways Account, Workforce Education Investment Account, and Fair Start for Kids Account. Revenues for fiscal 2025 are estimated at $34.1 billion, a 3.5 percent increase from the fiscal 2024 estimate. As of the February forecast, the state was projecting an ending balance at the end of the biennium of $3.74 billion. Additionally, after transfers, the state projected a Budget Stabilization Account ending balance of $1.35 billion and a Washington Rescue Plan Transition Account of $798 million, resulting in projected total balances (before supplemental budget changes) of $5.88 billion. An updated revenue forecast will be issued in June that will reflect revised revenue estimates and balance levels that incorporate supplemental changes.


The supplemental operating and capital budgets increase funding for behavioral health services, K-12 education programs, housing, and climate action. The budget along with a series of separate policy bills aim to expand access and build new capacity for behavioral health treatment, including the University of Washington’s first-in-the-nation teaching hospital for health care providers embarking on careers in integrated behavioral and physiological health treatment, while also creating more capacity through grants and other supports to community providers. For education, the supplemental budget raises the cap on special education funding, increases funding for school staffing, and funds renovation and construction projects to make school buildings healthier and more energy-efficient. Also included is funding to educate students statewide about the dangers of fentanyl. The supplemental budget also appropriates additional funding for housing for low-income communities and people with disabilities, as well as boosts investments for climate, environmental, and conservation programs.

Proposed Supplemental Budget - Fiscal Year 2025

During the 2023 legislative session, Washington enacted a biennial budget for fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025. On December 13, Washington Governor Jay Inslee released a supplemental budget proposal for the current biennium. Total budgeted funds in the governor’s supplemental operating and transportation budgets for the biennium are $154.4 billion. The supplemental omnibus operating budget calls for $71.8 billion in near general fund spending (including the General Fund-State, Education Legacy Trust Account, WA Opportunity Pathways Account, and Workforce Education Investment Account), or $70.9 billion after assumed reversions, over the biennium. The budget is based on the state’s November 2023 revenue forecast, which projects $66.9 billion in near general fund revenue for the biennium, including $34.0 billion in fiscal 2025, a 3.6 percent annual increase over the forecasted amount for fiscal 2024. Total resources for the biennium, including the beginning fund balance and after transfers, are estimated at $73.7 billion. The budget projects a near general fund ending balance of $2.8 billion at the end of fiscal 2025, as well as a $1.3 billion balance in the state’s rainy day fund (the Budget Stabilization Account), for a total balance of $4.1 billion. 

Key Budget Highlights 

The governor’s supplemental budget for fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025 calls for continued state investments in key areas including housing and homelessness, behavioral health, addressing the fentanyl and opioid crisis, climate change and K-12 education. The supplemental is based on upward revisions to the state’s revenue forecast since the original budget was adopted in 2023 and responds to rising costs for ongoing services and increased caseloads. Highlights in the governor’s supplemental budget proposal include:

Housing and Homelessness

  • $100 million in capital budget bonds to continue supporting the Rapid Capital Housing Acquisition (RCHA) fund
  • $24 million in operating support for local housing programs, Landlord Mitigation and Tenant Preservation programs, and other efforts
  • $10 million for Rights of Way Initiative to support Department of Transportation’s efforts to clear encampment sites

Behavioral Health

  • Adds $464 million to the current $1 billion biennial budget for a variety of initiatives, including $188 million for new beds in state-run facilities $113 million for reimbursement rate increases for community-based facilities

Fentanyl and Opioid Crisis

  • Adds $64 million to the current $200 million budgeted for prevention and treatment strategies, with $9.5 million to tribal communities and $2.7 million to support multijurisdictional drug taskforces to backfill the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program

Climate Change

  • Proposes $941 million in new climate and clean energy investments, including $900 million supported by projected revenues generated by the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). Some of the largest CCA investments include:
  • $150 million for a one-time $200 utility bill credit for low- and moderate-income residential electricity customers
  • $110 million for a Clean Communities program aimed at supporting local sustainability projects in low-income and other communities hit hardest by pollution
  • $100 million to install heat pumps and retrofit affordable multifamily buildings
  • $136.5 million for Green Jobs and Infrastructure Catalytic Funds, including $84 million to match federal grants 
  • $72 million to transition state universities away from fossil fuels and improve energy efficiency

K-12 Education

  • $64 million for an 11 percent wage increase for paraeducators
  • $17 million in additional special education funding for school districts

Other Key Initiatives

  • $150 million to further support removal of fish passage barriers on state roadways
  • $31 million to restore budgeted vacancy savings for state troopers 
  • $10 million for grants to local governments for law enforcement recruitment and retention efforts