

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
Fiscal Year Begins
July 1

Governor Signs Budget 
(20 days after session)

Budget Links

FY2026 (proposed) 
FY2025 (enacted)
FY2024 (enacted)
FY2023 (enacted)
FY2022 (enacted)
FY2021 (enacted)

Proposed Budget - Fiscal Year 2026

On December 5, 2024, Utah Governor Spencer Cox submitted a budget proposal for fiscal 2026. The total operating and capital budget calls for $30.6 billion in spending from all funds, which represents a 1.8 percent increase compared to total fiscal 2025 levels (and an increase of 4.2 percent from the fiscal 2025 authorized level). The governor recommended $12.1 billion in general fund, income tax fund, and uniform school fund (GF/ITF/USF) spending in fiscal 2026, a 4.8 percent decrease from GF/ITF/USF spending totals for fiscal 2025. This includes $11.9 billion of ongoing funding and $221.7 million in one-time GF/ITF/USF spending for fiscal 2026. The budget is based on a consensus GF/ITF revenue forecast of $12.1 billion; this represents a 3.8 percent increase over the fiscal 2025 authorized revenue forecast and a 3.2 percent increase compared to the revised consensus estimate for fiscal 2025. The state’s major rainy day funds were at a historical high of $1.5 billion at the end of fiscal 2024. 

Proposed Budget Highlights 

The governor’s budget emphasizes investments in the state’s future while providing tax relief for aging residents. The budget includes provisions that invest in Utah’s people, places, and prosperity. Budget highlights in these areas include: 

Supporting Seniors

  • Eliminates the state tax on Social Security income, providing direct tax relief to more than 150,000 filers
  • Provides state funds to leverage federal funds for increased home-based care
  • Continues support for Meals on Wheels to improve nutrition and well-being

Strengthening Families

  • Expands the state’s child tax credit to include children younger than one year of age
  • Provides funding to increase the number of child care facilities 
  • Supports using Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funds to implement a pilot program to improve transition from public assistance to higher-paid employment opportunities

Improving Quality of Life

  • Provides funds for Operation Gigawatt to attract private sector investments and increase energy production. This includes funding to develop nuclear and geothermal energy.
  • Supports a sustainable water supply for future generations, with provisions for the Great Salt Lake and dam safety
  • Provides resources for air quality and public lands, including wildfire prevention
  • Increases funding for additional highway patrol troopers to keep up with additional miles of highway

Supporting Education

  • Increases funds for public education, including funds to support teachers and a 4.0 percent increase in the Weighted Pupil Unit
  • Provides funds to manage cell phones in schools, implement school safety measures, and expand access to free meals in schools
  • Funds competitive grants to expand or develop new high school career and technical education programs
  • Additional funds to increase program capacity at technical colleges

Improving Rural Success

  • Funds rural opportunity grants and loans to advance local economic development priorities
  • Provides funds for rural emergency medical services to fill a critical gap in remote areas with long response times
  • Allocates capital and operating funds for small school districts to support rural schools in addressing their unique challenges

Managing Government Efficiently

  • Funds a 2.5 percent cost-of-living adjustment and increases in insurance premiums for state and higher education employees 
  • Continues recent efforts to drive a customer-focused service delivery culture
  • Provides funds for verifiable digital credentials for government documents and certificates