

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
Fiscal Year Begins
July 1

Governor Signs Budget 
(20 days after session)

Budget Links

FY2025 (enacted)
FY2025 (proposed)
FY2024 (enacted)
FY2023 (enacted)
FY2022 (enacted)
FY2021 (enacted)
FY2020 (enacted)

Enacted Budget – Fiscal Year 2025

Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox signed a series of bills making up the state budget for fiscal 2025, which provides $29.4 billion in total funds, an increase of $634.6 million, or 2.2 percent, over the revised fiscal 2024 budget. The budget provides $12.9 billion in general fund, income tax fund, and uniform school fund (GF/ITF/USF) spending, a decrease of $727.5 million, or 5.3 percent, compared to the revised fiscal 2024 budget. This decrease is largely due to the elimination of one-time fiscal 2024 appropriations. General fund and income tax fund revenues are estimated at $11.6 billion in fiscal 2025, an increase of 1.2 percent over the revised fiscal 2024 forecast while overall resources (including reserves and transfers) total $12.9 billion in fiscal 2025. Looking at reserves, total projected fiscal 2024 balances of $1.2 billion represent about 8.7 percent of combined fiscal 2024 general, income tax, and uniform school fund appropriations. 

Budget highlights for fiscal 2025 include priorities in education, housing and homelessness, criminal justice, and state employee compensation. In education the budget provides $211.7 million for a five percent increase in the value of the Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU), increasing it from $4,280 to $4,494; $521.0 million one-time from the Public Education Stabilization Account for multiple items including funds for school safety ($100.0 million) and educator professional time ($74.0 million); $57.0 million for at-risk students and digital teaching tools; and $40.0 million for scholarships for increased school choice. To support housing and social services and address homelessness, the budget provides $17.0 million one-time for $300.0 million in loans under the Utah Homes Investment Program; $3.0 million for the Law Enforcement First Time Homebuyers Program; $10.0 million ongoing and $11.8 million one-time for statewide homeless system support; $23.8 million one-time for low barrier shelters; and $5.0 million to provide services for individuals with disabilities on the waiting list for services. In criminal justice, the budget allocates $13.0 million ongoing for corrections-targeted compensation and $2.0 million ongoing to support correctional officer overtime; and $3.1 million ongoing for jail contracting. Under state employee compensation, the budget provides $119.3 million from all sources for a three percent general salary increase in state agencies and higher education; $19.1 million for performance-based salary increases for state agency employees; $14.1 million for a 7.2 percent health insurance increase and 0.9 percent dental insurance increase in state agencies; and $3.2 million for a 0.7 percent cost of living adjustment for employees on Tier II retirement. Tax relief measures in the budget total $228.0 million and include a reduction in the income tax rate from 4.65 percent to 4.55 percent ($168.0 million ongoing and $37.0 million one-time); expanded eligibility for the child tax credit ($2.3 million ongoing beginning in 2026); and reauthorization of rural film incentives ($1.0 million ongoing and $22.0 million one-time).

Proposed Budget - Fiscal Year 2025

On December 5, Utah Governor Spencer Cox submitted a budget proposal for fiscal 2025. The total operating and capital budget calls for $29.5 billion in spending from all funds, which represents a 0.3 percent decrease compared to authorized fiscal 2024 levels. The governor recommended $12.6 billion in general fund, income tax fund, and uniform school fund (GF/ITF/USF) spending in fiscal 2025, including $11.6 billion of ongoing funding, a 4.0 percent increase from GF/ITF/USF ongoing spending authorized for fiscal 2024. The governor also recommends $1.1 billion in one-time GF/ITF/USF spending for fiscal 2025. The budget is based on a consensus GF/ITF revenue forecast of $11.6 billion; this represents a 3.1 percent increase over the fiscal 2024 authorized revenue forecast and a 2.2 percent increase compared to the revised consensus estimate for fiscal 2024. The state’s major rainy day funds have balances of $1.4 billion at the end of fiscal year 2023. In tax policy, the budget includes $4.7 million to expand the existing child tax credit to cover children through age five.

Proposed Budget Highlights 

The governor’s budget invests in the elements that make Utah an exceptional place to live. The proposal strengthens and supports families, recognizes the need to provide more opportunities and pathways to homeownership, prioritizes continued stewardship of natural resources, and maximizes taxpayer dollars and proactively takes action to mitigate high-risk areas to the state. 

Housing and Homelessness
  • $150.0 million investment towards the goal of creating 35,000 new starter homes by 2028.
    • $50.0 million increase for the First-Time Homebuyer Assistance Program, which provides downpayment assistance, interest rate buy-downs, and closing costs.
    • $75.0 million for the State Infrastructure Bank to provide low-interest loans for publicly owned infrastructure that supports housing.
    • $5.0 million for the Starter Home Innovation Fund.
    • $15.0 million to support and expand sweat equity programs for housing.
  • $25.0 million one-time to the Deeply Affordable Housing Grants Program to incentivize construction and $5.0 million ongoing to support services offered by the Deeply Affordable Stabilization Grant.
  • $10.0 million ongoing and $90.0 million one-time to be spent over three years for emergency shelter homeless services.
  • $25.0 million one-time to develop new low-barrier emergency shelters and $2.5 million ongoing for the Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Account.
  • In behavioral health, $3.3 million one-time over three years for students at all levels of behavioral health training and $2.9 million ongoing for a rural receiving center and two additional mobile crisis outreach teams.
  • $10.2 million ongoing and $185.3 million one-time for housing options tailored to different income levels and levels of need to help prevent homelessness.
  • $641,000 ongoing and $10.0 million one-time to establish a HOME Court diversion pilot program, including support services, for individuals with mental illness. 
Education and Workforce
  • $854.6 million in new appropriations for public education ($413.9 million new revenue) that will better support rural students, strengthen the teaching profession, and keep schools safe.
    • $34.0 million for rural schools ($32.7 million ongoing and $1.2 million one-time).
    • $111.0 million for teachers, including a pilot project to pay student teachers and $90.0 million one-time for paid preparation time.
    • $211.7 million ongoing to support a five percent increase in the Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU).
    • $200.0 million one-time for an Innovation Grant Fund to expand effective and innovative programs at the local level.
  • $130.7 million ($111.5 million ongoing) from new revenue and $37.7 million from previously set-aside funding ($6.3 million ongoing) to support the state’s higher education system.
    • Includes $30.0 million ongoing in performance-based funding and $11.9 million ongoing for workforce initiatives. 
  • $2.9 million ongoing to add hundreds of new openings in mental and behavioral health degree programs, intended to expand the number of mental health professionals in the state.
  • $6.7 million ongoing to support growth in technical education and an additional $2.0 million ongoing to increase apprenticeship opportunities. 
  • $5.0 million to expand child care services through a public-private partnership.
  • $1.0 million to employ evidence-based, child-focused methods to connect youth aging out of foster care with permanent families. 
  • $1.0 million ongoing to staff local victim service providers and shelters and $1.7 million one-time for resources for individuals staying in shelters.
  • $49.1 million to increase access to mental and behavioral health care and enhance shelter quality for children and youth in state custody.
  • $7.3 million increase to providers who help aging adult recipients stay in their homes.
Water Conservation and Protection
  • $20.0 million one-time to the Great Salt Lake Account to support lake preservation efforts.
  • $1.75 million one-time to fund water use education for consumers and train communities on water-wise land use practices. 
  • $20.0 million one-time to upgrade aqueducts for earthquake resiliency and $5.0 million one-time to upgrade the safety of dams.
  • $22.5 million one-time for landscape-scale watershed restoration and fuels reduction efforts. 
Good Government
  • $5.5 million to improve customer service and $12.7 million to enhance efficiency and innovation.
  • $173.3 million for emergency preparedness and response.
  • $18.9 million to address staffing and safety needs at the Utah State Correctional Facility.
  • $15.0 million one-time to pay for overtime expenses at the Department of Corrections, freeing up ongoing funds to hire additional staff and facilitate an end to mandatory overtime.
  • $156.7 million ongoing and $6.7 million one-time for state employee compensation. 
  • Recommends transitioning all career-service positions to at-will positions, intending for current employees to retain their career-service status, where applicable, unless they move into exempt positions.