

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
January 15

Fiscal Year Begins
July 1 

Governor Signs Budget 

Enacted Budget Adjustments – Fiscal Year 2025

During the 2023 legislative session, Nebraska enacted a biennial budget for fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025. On April 2, 2024, Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen signed a mid-biennium adjustment bill. According to the Appropriations Committee Budget Proposal, the enacted budget adjustment raises general fund appropriations for fiscal 2024-25 by $73 million to $5.44 billion. The adjustments fully fund the state’s education formula and provide virtually no other increases to the budget that was passed in 2023. The mid-biennium adjustments are based on revenue forecasts made by the Nebraska Economic Forecast Advisory Board in February 2024. Total general fund revenues for fiscal 2024-25 are forecasted at $5.84 billion. The ending General Fund Reserve balance for fiscal 2024-25 is projected to be $928 million. The Cash Reserve Fund is not included in the General Fund Reserve balance. For fiscal 2024-25, the Cash Reserve Fund is projected to have an ending balance of $904 million, which is 16.6 percent of expenditures.

At the end of session, Governor Pillen highlighted the achievements of the legislative session including passing two fiscally conservative budget measures, making investments in schools, and delivering income tax cuts.

Proposed Budget Adjustments - Fiscal Year 2025

On January 18, Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen announced proposed adjustments to the current biennium budget. The governor’s recommendation provides for an increase of $14.6 million to the general fund in fiscal 2024 and a general fund appropriation decrease of $34.1 million in fiscal 2025. The balance of the general fund at the end of the biennium is projected at $674.6 million which exceeds the minimum three percent general fund reserve requirement of $331.6 million. The cash reserve fund is projected to have a balance of $891.7 million at the end of the biennium. The combined ending balance of the general fund and cash reserve fund is projected at $1.57 billion which represents a 29.4 percent total reserve over appropriations in fiscal 2024-2025. 

Proposed Budget Highlights 
The governor’s proposed adjustments focus on reforming property taxes, providing various tax incentives to attract and retain talent for the workforce, and making adjustments and transfers to the general fund and the cash reserve fund. Recommendations include the following: 

Property Tax Reform

  • Reduces property taxes by 40 percent and reduces the amount collected annually from $5 billion to just under $3 billion. Proposed policy changes include: 
    • A 0 percent hard cap on property tax growth by local governments, with an allowance based on real growth and a vote of the people in an election year.
    • Repurposing the existing retrospective individual income tax credits and front-load them resulting in a reduction of nearly $750 million in annual property taxes. 
  • Update the ImagiNE Nebraska Act to enhance and improve tax incentives in the state. 

Attracting and Retaining Talent

  • Directs $5 million to incentivize Nebraska businesses to recruit out of state workers. 
  • Allocates $5 million for the Pioneer Tax Credit to provide tax credits to entrepreneurs looking to get their business ideas off the ground. 
  • Provides a tax credit on income earned by serving full or part time in the Nebraska National Guard. 

Budget Adjustments and Transfers

  • Allocates $87.3 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the Department of Transportation to bolster highway construction and asset preservation projects. 
  • Transfers $252.9 million from multiple state agency cash funds to the general fund. 
  • Recommends transfers and adjustments of $67 million to bolster the cash reserve fund.