

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
January or February (45 days before legislature convenes)

Fiscal Year Begins
July 1 

Governor Signs Budget 
20 days after receipt of the bill

Budget Links

FY2025 (enacted)
FY2025 (proposed)
FY2024 (enacted)
FY2023 (enacted)
FY2022 (enacted)
FY2021 (enacted)
FY2020 (enacted)

Enacted Budget – Fiscal Year 2025

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed the state’s fiscal 2025 budget bill on June 19. The fiscal 2025 all funds budget totals $49.63 billion, a 4.7 percent decrease from fiscal 2024. General fund expenditures for fiscal 2025 total $12.07 billion, a 1.3 percent decrease from fiscal 2024. General fund revenues are projected to be $12.08 billion for fiscal 2025. 

The budget provides $199 million for one-time payments of $2,000 to teachers and $1,000 to school support staff; $390 million for repairs to existing roads and bridges; $100 million to upgrade state and local facilities that hold incarcerated youth; salary increases for state police and Department of Wildlife and Fisheries agents; and $94.3 million for maintenance projects at Louisiana’s public universities and colleges.

Proposed Budget - Fiscal Year 2025
On February 8, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry released his proposed fiscal 2025 budget. The budget totals $44.2 billion, a decrease of 6.9 percent from the existing operating budget for fiscal 2024. The general fund portion of the budget totals $12.0 billion, a decrease of 1.9 percent from the existing budget for fiscal 2024. Total revenue for fiscal 2025 is projected at $44.2 billion, a decrease of 7.2 percent from the total revenue for the existing budget for fiscal 2024. The state general fund is broken down into the following spending categories: education (47 percent), human resources (29 percent), public safety (12 percent), general government (9 percent), business & infrastructure (2 percent), and environment and natural resources (1 percent).

Proposed Budget Highlights 

The proposed fiscal 2025 budget prioritizes education, healthcare, and initiatives aimed at improving the safety of Louisiana residents. The budget includes the following recommendations:

Department of Health 

  • Increases state general funds by $285.1 million to replace federal funds from enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) and Medical Assistance Trust Fund (MATF) which are no longer available this year. 
  • Provides $28.4 million in CMS Clawback payments for Medicare Part-D dual eligibles. 
  • Provides $4.1 million for Medicare Part A and B premiums and for the anticipated increase of “dual-eligible” low-income seniors and disabled individuals. 
  • Allocates $2.1 million toward the funding of Intermediate Care Facilities for Developmentally Disabled (ICF/DDs).
  • Provides $16.5 million for additional beds and contract increases for meals and pharmaceuticals to remain in compliance with the Cooper-Jackson Settlement.

Public Safety

  • Allocates $485.7 million to the Corrections Services and authorizes 4,890 Table of Organization positions to house 14,000 offenders in state-operated correctional facilities.
  • Directs $10.8 million and provides 43 authorized Table of Organization (T.O.) positions for the establishment of a State Police Troop in downtown New Orleans.  
  • Provides $5.7 million to the Office of State Police to:
    • Increase the Louisiana State Police uniform allowance from $8 per day to $15 per day.
    • Increase commissioned field training officer pay from $1.30 per hour to $5 per hour while working with cadet classes.
    • Increase the shift differential pay for commissioned patrol personnel from $0.50 per hour to $5 per hour working abnormal hours.
  • Provides funding to the Office of State Police for approximately 1,100 State Trooper Commissioned Officer positions.
  • Directs $8 million to fund two 50-member attrition training academies in the Office of State Police.
  • Provides an increase of $5.7 million to the Louisiana Judiciary for drug courts.
  • Directs $2.3 million to the Project New Orleans (NOLA) initiative in the Criminal Law and Medicaid Fraud program to create 13 new positions and allow prosecutors and investigators to work together to prosecute cases.


  • Proposes $198 million to provide a pay stipend for K-12 classroom educators, other certificated personnel, and noncertificated personnel.
  • Allocates $859K for free school breakfast and lunch for students who meet federal eligibility guidelines for reduced priced meals. 
  • Provides $182.0 million for the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS).
  • Directs $70.5 million to the Louisiana Go Grant Program which supports non-traditional and low-to-moderate income students attending college.
  • Provides $600K to the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) to establish Louisiana’s National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) and cover increases in operating expenses and insurances related to vessels and facilities.


  • Directs $127.1 million toward acquisitions and major repairs including:
    • Replacing forklifts, scissor lifts, radios, and laptops at the Military Affairs Program.
    • Repairing 58 dozers for wildfire response in the Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
    • Repairing water system and air conditioning and replacing fire alarms at a corrections facility.
    • Replacing 238 vehicles within the State Police fleet.
  • Provides $62.8 million to the Department of Transportation and Development Highway Program to match federal funds. 
  • Increases Department of Family and Children Services funding by $14.5 million to:
    • Provide rate increases in Congregate Care. 
    • Expand the capacity of Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) beds and increases the rates for placements.
    • Provide field offices in Baton Rouge and New Orleans with supplemental staffing contracts.
  • Provides $1.5 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs for a new program to recruit and retain military members and veterans as well as encourage them to relocate back to Louisiana.