

Budget Cycle

Governor Submits Budget
December 15

Fiscal Year Begins
July 1
Governor Signs Budget 

Budget Links

FY2025 (enacted)
FY2025 (proposed)
FY2024 (enacted)
FY2023 (enacted)
FY2022 (enacted)
FY2021 (enacted)
FY2020 (enacted)

Enacted Budget – Fiscal Year 2025

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy signed the state’s fiscal 2025 budget into law on June 28, while also announcing a series of line-item vetoes. The budget provides for total expenditures (excluding the Permanent Fund) of $11.20 billion in fiscal 2025, a 4.0 percent decline from fiscal 2024 total expenditures (which includes supplementals). The enacted budget includes $4.97 billion in unrestricted general fund spending (a 3.3 percent decline from fiscal 2024), $932.1 million in designated general fund spending (a 1.5 percent increase), $1.74 billion in other spending (a 1.7 percent decrease), and $3.55 billion in federal spending (a 7.5 percent decrease). The budget also calls for $3.6 billion in total capital appropriations. In signing the budget, the governor announced line-item vetoes reducing the operating budget by $105.7 million and the capital budget by $126.3 million. Additionally, the budget includes a Permanent Fund Dividend of approximately $1,718 for each eligible Alaskan. Total state revenue (including unrestricted general fund revenue, restricted revenue, and federal revenue) is estimated at $16.52 billion in fiscal 2025 (a 6.8 percent increase from fiscal 2024), while total unrestricted general fund revenue is estimated at $6.45 billion in fiscal 2025 (a 1.5 percent decrease). 

The fiscal 2025 budget invests in Alaska’s public education system, enhances energy security, increases public safety, and improves affordability for Alaskans. In the area of education, the enacted budget includes a $174.6 million one-time $680 Base Student Allocation (BSA) increase; a $7.3 million one-time Pupil Transportation increase; $62.8 million for School Major Maintenance, Relocations, Renovations, and Replacements; and $87.5 million for University of Alaska operations and deferred maintenance. Concerning energy, the budget provides $23.0 million for the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Energy Efficiency Research and Energy Weatherization; $10.5 million for the Renewable Energy Grant Fund; and $11.1 million to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for Alaska Railbelt Carbon Capture & Sequestration Project. Under public safety, the budget includes $3.5 million for ten additional Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) positions and VPSO salary increases; $700,000 for investigations, outreach, and education on missing and murdered Indigenous persons; and $9.5 million for replacement of a patrol vessel for southeast Alaska. Finally, to help address affordability the enacted budget provides $53.2 million for Alaska Housing Finance Corporation housing programs for home buyers, owners, and renters to provide safe, quality, affordable housing; $2.8 million for the Alaska Addiction Rehabilitation Services residential expansion project; and $1.5 million for the Denali Commission housing program.

Proposed Budget - Fiscal Year 2025

On December 14, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy released his recommended budget for fiscal 2025. Total appropriations from all fund sources for fiscal 2025 are $14.1 billion, a .3 percent decline from fiscal 2024. Unrestricted general fund (UGF) appropriations are recommended at $5.0 billion, also a 4.0 percent decline from fiscal 2024. The budget additionally calls for Permanent Fund Appropriations of $2.4 billion, a 149 percent increase from fiscal 2024. The proposed budget forecasts total revenues of $15.5 billion, a .3 percent decline from fiscal 2024, and unrestricted general fund revenue of $6.3 billion, a 3 percent decline from fiscal 2024. The state’s combined rainy day fund balance in the Constitutional Budget Reserve and the Statutory Budget Reserve is projected to be $1.8 billion at the end of fiscal 2025 following a drawdown of $987.2 million due to forecasts of reduced oil prices and production.  

Proposed Budget Highlights 

The governor’s proposed budget for fiscal 2025 continues to fund the governor's priorities of public safety and education. It also prioritizes affordability for Alaskan families in housing, food, childcare, and energy. Additionally, the proposed budget includes a full Permanent Fund Divided according to the formula in statute. Highlights of the budget proposal include: 

Public Safety

  • 10 additional Village Public Safety Officer positions and salary increases; three new investigators at Alaska State Troopers focused on crimes against children; and four investigators fully dedicated to investigating missing and murdered Indigenous persons.
  • Acquisition of an all-weather aircraft for statewide Public Safety operations and a replacement of a patrol vessel for Southeast Alaska.


  • Statutory funding for school districts according to the Foundation Program, Pupil Transportation, and School Debt Reimbursement formulas in statute.
  • $8.3 million for school construction and major maintenance.
  • $5 million for the Alyeska Reading Academy and Institute.
  • $1.5 million for Teacher Recruitment, Retention, Certification and Apprenticeship Development.
  • $1.5 million for continued Career and Technical Education Initiative.

Food Security

  • Funding for 30 non-permanent, full-time Eligibility Technician positions within the Department of Health to process SNAP applications.
  • $5 million to food banks and food pantries across Alaska to increase food security.


  • $25 million for Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Downpayment Assistance Grants primarily utilizing AHFC dividends.
  • $62.6 million for AHFC annual housing programs.


  • Matching funds for Alaska Marine Highway ferry replacement grants using Federal toll credits.
  • $2.5 million for Statewide PFAS Fleetwide Equipment Foam Replacement.
  • $915,000 for contracted urban snow removal when unexpected snowfall exceeds existing operational capacity.


  • $1.9 million and 10 positions to expand consumer protection investigations, address child protection cases, assist with drug prosecutions and assist with grand jury investigations.
  • $2 million to support continued statehood defense efforts across multiple agencies.