Administrative Excellence in a State Budget Office Nominee

Each year, NASBO recognizes an administrative professional staff member for outstanding contributions and service to a state/territory budget office. This award recognizes an administrative professional staff member for outstanding contributions and service to the budget office. The award will be presented at the Annual Meeting or in the recipient's budget office.

The nomination deadline is Friday, May 16, 2025.

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Any employee in the administrative field, as an employee of a state/territory budget office, who has made an exceptional contribution to the budget office is eligible. This may include administrative assistants who report to the secretary, director, section heads or who serve in an administrative capacity for the entire office.


This individual has continually shown dedication and commitment to the state/territory budget office through innovation and by either making significant contributions over a period of time or by having made an exceptional contribution to a specific project which has had a significant, positive impact on the budget office. The involvement of the nominee should have directly resulted in one or a combination of the following:

  • Demonstrated administrative/secretarial skills
  • Demonstrated support for personnel internal and/or external to the budget office
  • Demonstrated creativity or resourcefulness in accomplishing major assignments

In addition the following factors should be considered when making a nomination:

  •  Performance over a period of time or connected with a singular accomplishment
  • Demonstrated proactive and in-depth work resolving one or more of the office’s administrative issues


Nominations are limited to one per state and must be submitted on the attached form. Two additional sheets may be used to support the nomination. The nomination must be approved by the agency head. The nomination should explain what specifically the nominee contributes to the budget office.